Alright Readers:
It's contest time!!!!
You remember my good cyber buddy Scott, the glass blower in Pensacola, Florida? Well, he's hosting another one of his fantastic contests, which probably means that I'll be copycatting that too, LOL! Rules are simple, you just need to comment on the post, and tell him who referred you. Of course, if you want to refer to his contest from your blog, you are certainly free to do so. I would say you are encouraged to do so! :D
Now GO!
You remember my good cyber buddy Scott, the glass blower in Pensacola, Florida? Well, he's hosting another one of his fantastic contests, which probably means that I'll be copycatting that too, LOL! Rules are simple, you just need to comment on the post, and tell him who referred you. Of course, if you want to refer to his contest from your blog, you are certainly free to do so. I would say you are encouraged to do so! :D
Now GO!
Besides, the prize is mine, all mine I tell you !! Ahhhhhahhahhahah!!!
Really though, good luck to you! I already have my blue Gnat and it sits in a treasured place in my cabinet along with all the other Phos family heirlooms (sorry kids, that's all your getting when I die).
Well, if it's meant to be in the Little House, with the rambunctious huskys, so be it, lol! But it WOULD look purdy in my new house!
I've always admired the pieces I have myself. The Krypto ROCKS!
Also, I put the Krypto in 4 pumpkins this year but "under" the color so no one knew about it until late at night....surprise!
I have already had one person call going "what the hell, why is my pumpkin glowing!"
I'd love to commission another piece from you with Krypto in it. A surprise, if you will ;)