Remember that Gnarls Barkley "Crazy" song that played all last summer? Yeah, it's been playing in my head, over, and over, and over again! LOL!

One might think that this French Girl HAS gone way over to the Crazy side, but no, she hasn't. She's just stocking up her inventory for her website. Now, none of the changes will be seen for a few weeks yet, but I'm telling you right now, when it IS ready to publish, y'all better be ready for some SHOPPING! ;) LMBO!!!

28 pairs you see here? Produced this weekend alone.

I've been redoing all of my photos, updating the site to an E-commerce, and will be setting myself up with Paypal, A.S.A.P.

I can't WAIT to see the finished result. It's a lot of work for one person, but, I'm taking it all in stride. I want this up and running in two weeks.


Jodie said…
Wow! You have been b-u-s-y!!

Great earrings!!
jin said…
Look at all those!!!


heehee...I went to check on your website last night just wondering if I'd get a glimpse of something new & exciting.
I was disappointed that I couldn't see your improvements! LOL!

Guess I'll just have to wait!
TELL MEEEE when it's done! :-D
Ace said…
Munkee waits, seeking gift for girlmunkee. Who likes beads and necklaces. And stuff.
MeHereNow said…
Wow things are really taking off eh?! I'm so pleased for you the world needs the Jewles' jewles!! Its a much sparklier place to be!!

The MHN might well have to buy once PayPal is available - the MHN LOVES PayPal!! Hehe!
Dino said…
very pretty. I was looking at some ear rings the other day contemplating if I should start wearing them again .... still contemplating
You've been busy!! They look great, too bad I don't wear earrings.

Soon we'll have Jewel's Jewels, eh?
Unknown said…
Thank you Jodie. Yes, I have!

Jin, no cheating! LOL! Don't you worry, you'll know when it's all updated.

Bonjour Ace. Well, you'll see plenty of nice girlmunkee stuff. ;)
Unknown said…
Well, I'll get that PayPal up and running A.S.A.P. Gotta keep that MHN happy, now, don't we?

Katy, I LOVE earrings! I never leave home without them! Um, come to think of it, I pretty much never leave home without being adorned. Period! LOL!

Sure you won't give them a try Phos? Maybe in your BELLY BUTTON????? LMAO!!!!
cindy said…
28 in one weekend!? wow, are amazing!
Unknown said…
LOL! Yup, that's me: Amazing Jewels! ;)
Now, if I could only make that many bracelets in one weekend! LOL!

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