Knit Purses

Hee! Hee! Okay, so I've been slacking off... I took a nap this afternoon, due to a hormonally induced migraine... Yay for me..... But I'm back now, and after wrestling with Blogger for about, oh, 8 'draft' posts, I finally was able to upload these pics.

Except for the beige one, I had these little purse bodies lying around for a few months, just waiting to be finished. See, picking the beads and the thread seem to be the easiest part of these bags for me... The embellishments and strap? Now that's a different story.... So I finished all of these this week. Yes, I've been a busy little bee...

This is a larger bag, as far as 'amulets' are concerned

I call this one "Le Mini", just big enough to hold, say, a dime.... LOL!


jin said…
I LOVE them all...
that second one?
That's something I know I could wear! Absolutely positively!!!
Too cute for words!
(Esp. when its 3:30AM & I'm still here...:-P)
I hope I make sense? Ha!
Unknown said…
Hmmmm, that gives me an idea....
Mandi said…
I'm a sucker for peyote amulets, but I haven't seen many knitted ones. They are so cute! I guess I need to learn that technique now...
Miachelle said…
Knitting is something that has always eluded me. I can crochet, but for some reason going from one hook to two totally befuddles me! Kudos!
Jewels, I LOVE these little purses!!! They are adorable!! My favorite one is the 3rd one down. Nice color combo. Do you sell them?
isa's memories said…
Bonjour! Merci d'être venue me visiter cela m'a fait plaisir! Ils sont beaux les Jewels! Bonne journée! Isa P.S. moi aussi j'ai des migraines, c'est pas drôle!
Unknown said…
Miachelle, I think that once you learn the the simple knit stitch, it all falls into place. The toughest part for me was controlling my tension. Those teeney knitting needles tore a chunk off both my index fingers, but now I've got tiny calusses there.
Unknown said…
Thank you Diana! Well, everything I make is potentially for sale, unless I absolutely need to keep it for myself, lol!
Hah! Now that I think about it, I probably have the largest collection of accessories in town. Just don't tell Imelda Marcos.... LMBO!!!
Unknown said…
Bonjour Isa, merci d'être venue faire un tour, et bienvenue!

Ouais, les migraines, j'en avais jamais eues jusqu'à il ya quelques mois, maiszs là, j'en ai à tous les mois... Pas drôle!
Dino said…
uh I love those they are to cute. I like the last one the best.
Stunning. I've always been drawn to amulet bags. I'm not a beader, but I did complete one, that I love. I have another half-finished bag, still on a tube. I need some granny glasses to finish it.

Yours are gorgeous!
SuzyQ said…
Hi Julie,
These are beautiful!!!
Unknown said…
Thanks Katy!

G.G.: LOL! at the granny glasses. My GF Kirsten wears them all the time, prefers them to her actual prescription ones, LOL! Oh, and I now have the priviledge of threading her needles everytime I visit, LMBO!!!

Hi Sue, thanks you. I love the writeup you've been doing on the French 'perleuses' BTW. I've been familiar with them all for quite some time now, it's nice to see them getting recognition. They're work has such a different 'flavour' than what we're used to... Very 'blingy'!
MeHereNow said…
I love the "le mini" one its really cute!
Seriously I'm considering dressing more feminine just so that I can wear stuff like that!!
Sshh! Don't tell anyone! It'd ruin my reputation!
As it stands I can't just yet kids too young they'd ruin it and daughter at the age where she'd "borrow" it all!
So basically when all my kids leave home I'm gonna buy all your stock ok?!
MeHereNow said…
OK seriously?

I thought of you today.I took the kids out for the day and we drove past a sign that read "Bead Sale" and I thought of jewels!!

Had I not got a car full of another family following me because they didn't know how to get to where we were going I honestly think I'd have gone to have a look!

How sad am I exactly!?!? LOL

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